Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Power of Positive Thinking

                A few weeks ago, I attended a motivational briefing at work titled “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Mark Jarema that was SO powerful, it left me extremely inspired and uplifted. So I definitely wanted to share some of my notes, as I feel this is too good not to share and can really help others. Mostly, it’s stuff we already know, and I have been studying it and living it for years, so I cannot stress this enough!! The main themes are concepts I try to live by: Positivity, attitude, purpose, passion, clarity, forgiveness, reciprocity, gratitude, self-knowledge. ENJOY!
-          What we think, we become! Thoughts create perception, perception turns into reality. So what you think literally magnifies itself. When you think to yourself “it’s going to be a long day” or “what could go wrong next” you’re asking for those things. Train yourself to think and live with POSITIVITY.
-          Your ATTITUDE is everything – it’s either in the way or leading the way. “Some days and Mondays are a kick in the pants, but you are the captain of your own ship”.
-          Four things you will inevitably encounter every day: 1) Changes 2) Challenges 3) The unexpected 4) Negative people.
-          Dr. Normal Vincent Peale affirms that 95% of the people in the world are conformers who conform to negativity.
-          Adults only smile an average of 20 times per day, sometimes as little as 5 times a day!
-          If you make $34k a year, you make more than ¾ of the world.
-          If we live in such a great country, why are so many people depressed and broke?
-          We’re trained that to find happiness, we must go to school, get a job, get promoted, buy a house, buy a car, etc. but once we get to the next level, what’s next? We’re never satisfied because we value material things and status.
-          You have to be fulfilled on the inside! This can only be accomplished when you find your PURPOSE.
-          If you’re actively working towards goals that align with your purpose, you WILL be successful.
-          If your purpose is coming to work every day, that is NOT a purpose. That comes from greed and fear! Do not let money control and consume you! Your purpose in life is much deeper than this, and it should determine what kind of work you do.
-          To go from ordinary to extraordinary, you need PASSION.
-          Average people remain average people because of lack of CLARITY.
-          Ask yourself – When did you last risk failure? When did you last step outside of your comfort zone?
-          Don’t be afraid of change! It can be uncomfortable, but change needs to happen for good things to come. 
-          You have only failed if you’ve given up.
-          Be a Pollyanna – defined as “an excessively cheerful and optimistic person”.
-          There is so much power in FORGIVENESS – holding grudges will hold you back. You must forgive two people: 1) Those that hurt you the most (if not, you will only attract more of them) and 2) most importantly, yourself! 
-          People with negative or miserable attitudes usually do not realize it. Do an inventory and get rid of the bad apples in your life! You may not even realize how toxic people can be and how much drama they create. “Not everyone you know can come with you on your journey”. There may be family, friends and coworkers that you must deal with, but compartmentalize your dealings with them. 
-          If you want to lift yourself up, lift someone else up! RECIPROCITY comes back in time! Lift at least two people up per day, and live in service to helping others!
-          Maintain an attitude of GRATTITUDE – The more thankful we are, the more we receive. Journal things you’re thankful for each day.
-          SELF-KNOWLEDGE is more important that any formal education. We should work even harder at ourselves than at our work, because when WE become great, we also become awesome at our jobs! 
-          Everyone has something to offer, no one is better than anyone else. LOVE YOURSELF!


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