Friday, February 21, 2014

Yesterday I cried...

Yesterday as I was driving from Cabo Rojo to  Ponce, I started crying tears of pure joy. I was just overwhelmed with beauty. With the mountains on one side of me and the vast ocean on the other, I was surrounded by God's amazing work. Passing through small towns and seeing these people smile as they went about their business and lived their lives, I realized how beautiful the human race is. No matter where you go, everyone is just out here trying to live life the best they can. There's a lot of evil and terrible things in the world, but for the most part, I have faith that most of mankind is filled with good intent. They love their families and work hard. Maybe that's just me being an optimist, but I truly believe there's a lot of good left in the world. Although life and values may differ so much here from where I'm from, I simply find so much inspiration from watching people and observing cultures. Some people who have the least are still filled with the most happiness. They're not conditioned to want to keep up with the joneses or have the most possessions. They're content just to wake up each day and be alive. Yesterday I cried because it was so special to me to be able to just drive through all these places and witness life in its purest form. Little kids walking home from school, stray dogs looking for something to eat, homes both small and large built into hillsides and mountains on this gorgeous island. I feel so blessed to be able to travel and experience the world first hand, instead of just seeing things on tv or in pictures. Because nothing can do these beautiful sights I've been seeing any justice besides seeing them yourself with your own two eyes. With every new town I passed through, every new beach that I walked upon, every beautiful view I've been fortunate enough to see, and every person I've had the pleasure to encounter and talk to, I'm growing as a person and living life to its absolute fullest. I'm appreciating every moment, every experience, every new thing I learn or new sight I see. I cried because it means so much to me. As a young girl growing up in Silver Spring, Maryland, I never knew I would  one day be able to do all things I'm doing today, after all I've been through. At one point I didn't even want to live anymore. And here I am, LIVING. I cried because I wish I could tell my grandma and show her all the beautiful pictures and videos I've taken, but instead I know she's with me every moment experiencing them too, because she's always going to be apart of me. She would always say I'm so brave and fearless, and I know that was only because she raised me to be strong like she was. I cried because I know how proud my mother is of me and how much I want to be able to take care or her one day and take her to see beautiful things too. I cried because some of my friends are so supportive and loyal, while others have slipped away from me because they simply can't be happy for me. I cried because I'm here, and I'm SO blessed. To be doing one of the things I've always dreamed of doing. Getting in a car, and just driving. Not many have the courage to do that. To just go explore new places they've always wanted to see and seek new adventures. But these last few days have been the most exhilarating, free and fulfilling days of my entire life and I don't think I will ever be the same person. I will never truly be able to explain this feeling to anyone. I can only just hope and pray that everyone I know and love will get to experience it someday too! 

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