It will
expand your perspective. We tend to all live in our little bubbles. Our
views are limited to our own reality; our experiences based on our lives. We
are familiar and comfortable with where we are from and our own culture. But
someone else from across the world has a completely different reality than
yours. It’s easy to assume that life all over the planet is similar. I
know for me, that was the case. As an American, I was conditioned to be
arrogant with a nationalistic attitude. Many of us are convinced that our
country is the most influential and that we have it all figured out. However,
when you get out there and see firsthand how different life is in other places,
any ethnocentric approach you possess will be challenged. It can really rock
you to your core. You realize how little your city where you’re from actually
is. You realize people all over the world live different ways, and they’re not
necessarily wrong just because it’s not what you’re used to. In fact, in many
cases you will find other customs more appealing. You may like the simplicity
of the European lifestyle and their extremely efficient use of public
transportation systems, or how Japanese show so much respect for where they
live and refrain from littering. There are in fact many things that other
countries do better than Americans. And then it hits you. It’s not even about
who’s better. Slowly, you experience a paradigm shift. Your viewpoint will
drastically change to a worldwide angle. You begin to see that your home
country is just one of many on this huge planet we share, and each of us is in
this together. Your way is not the only way, and the universe actually does not
revolve around you and your bubble. My favorite a-ha moment when it comes to
this was when I was in Paris. I was talking to a Muslim guy from Tunisia who
was making me a sandwich at a deli next to my hotel. He was telling me how bad
Muslims have it there, and how they’re discriminated against and treated as
unwelcome. Then he looked me in my eyes and genuinely asked, “Do you all have
racism in America?” I was floored. What an incredible thing perspective can be.
humbles you. As you explore the world, you will empathize with different groups
of people and see from their point of view. Each country and culture has so
much to offer. There is not a single place I’ve been that is better in pictures
or on TV. Everything is far more amazing and stimulating in person. There is
nothing to replace actually experiencing a place it its entirety, with all the
sights, smells, sounds, and really being immersed in its culture. If you’re
open-minded, it will fascinate, dazzle, and enlighten you. You will fall in
love with the people, the architecture, the language, the food, the music, the
energy. It gives direct access to humanity. Despite our differences, we all share the same planet. By seeing all the world has
to offer, you’ll connect with it and all of its inhabitants. That is how you
truly appreciate your own membership in this human race.
It will
push you out of your comfort zone. New environments will challenge
you and force you to try new things. Being somewhere unfamiliar and feeling
uncomfortable makes you to learn more about yourself than you ever will at
home. This is where you find out what you’re really made of and how adaptive you
are. Do you have what it takes to survive in a place without speaking the
language, without understanding the norms, without knowing anyone? You may even
surprise yourself. This helps you grow stronger and more resilient, and causes
you to evolve into a more cultured, worldly person. You can always tell people
who have been around and seen a few things, from those whose outlooks are
limited to their own surroundings. It’s such an admirable trait to be more
wise, experienced, sophisticated, and well-traveled.
It will make you appreciate
things differently. As much as this is about expanding your horizon, it can also do a
lot to change the way you look at your own life. You may find a bunch of things
you like better in other countries, but at the end of the day, there’s no place
like home. You will gain new respect for things you didn’t even realize you
took for granted about your home country, like the convenience, the comfort
food, or having family close by. You’ll also have more appreciation for how
good you have it, especially when you visit less fortunate countries. Your problems don't matter anymore. Just from
witnessing the struggles of others, you can be healed.
It will uplift
you. One of the most beautiful lessons for me as a world traveler has
been to witness certain universal values inherent in all people regardless of
boundaries that separate us. Love, compassion, family, and spiritual purpose
always prevail, regardless of cultural differences. This is what really matters
most to all of us human beings no matter where you go. It transfers across any
religion or border. Sometimes when you visit countries that have the least [as
far as material possessions], they still appear to be happier than those of us
from wealthier countries. And they are. Their lives are not complicated by
technology and consumed with greed. They’re happy just to have what they need
and to be together with their loved ones. It’s so incredible and refreshing to
witness. It makes you look within and question your own existence in the grand
scheme of things.
It will inspire you. Traveling is not about escaping your life, but rather escaping
the soul-numbing routine many of us have been cast into; and cultivating a life
of passion and purpose. When you see how other people live and how other parts
of the world operate, you'll be driven to find and live your own mission in
life. Travel is not about looking elsewhere for inspiration; but rather looking
within. When you realize you're merely one soul wandering this great earth
among billions of others, you'll feel more urgency to make your moments count
and take advantage of every blessing. It’s hard to grasp the immensity of
the world. Yet despite this, you will know for sure that you serve a distinct
purpose and significance among it all. We all do.
It will awaken your spirit. I like to think of travelling as soul searching in a way. I have
never heard my soul speak to me and guide me more than when I was traveling
abroad. Somehow you just instinctively ditch your ways and wander. Your spirit
will flourish the more you rely on your intuition, the more compassion you gain on each journey, the more you find
yourself, the more you think outside the box, the more you gain gratitude, the
more your awareness expands and your consciousness develops. Taking a trip allows you to slow down and listen to your
inner being. It can be exciting and thrilling, but there are also opportunities
for reflection when you’re facing a majestic mountain, an ocean view, or one of
the Seven Wonders of the World.
For me, it is the moments when I see a beautiful sight and am moved to tears when
I feel the undeniable presence of my soul and cannot deny its existence. Even if it doesn’t induce waterworks for you, it’s still nourishing to
your spiritual being and beneficial to your spiritual path and personal growth. You will feel
more alive and connected to the universe than ever before.
Live baby live! Live out your dreams