Thursday, December 24, 2015

Year End Reflections

                There is something so exciting and magical about a new year. Yes, as some pessimists love to point out, it’s just another day in reality. And yes, those “new year, new me” resolutions usually don’t make it halfway through January for most people. But even still, it’s a rush like no other and a legitimate new beginning for many of us.

                For me, it’s a very important time of deep reflection. I have a distinct process I follow every New Year’s Day that has become more refined over the years. I reserve the day to reflect back on the previous year and take inventory of the things I’ve accomplished. Even more important than this, I spend a lot of time setting goals and intentions for the year ahead. I meditate, read enlightening material, rest, and basically take a “me” day to practice self-love. It's an awesome way to start the year off right!

                Planning and preparing have been critical steps in achieving my dreams and desires. It really works, guys. I promise! So here are my tips for your own special “New Year” routine that I highly encourage you to make time for.

1. Review the goals you set for the last year. If you didn’t set any, then shame on you! If you did, then sit there and really analyze what you did and did not accomplish. For goals that you knocked out, you absolutely deserve to celebrate and feel proud of yourself. It’s an amazing feeling to earn something you set out to do and worked hard at! For things that did not come to fruition, simply let it be a lesson learned. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT beat yourself up about it! It’s called life. Every single one of us will miss targets we set or have things come up that prevent us from achieving goals, or maybe we just didn’t get around to it. Perhaps you didn’t lose weight or get into shape, or get the new job you wanted. It’s absolutely fine, as long as you don’t dwell on it or feel guilty. Instead, channel that energy to crush a lingering goal in the next year. I even go as far as to grade myself on how well I did on each goal, and I use negative scores to motivate me. Being honest is key!

2. Revisit and reevaluate your long term goals. Again, if you don’t have any or don’t write them down, get on it! This is so important, it’s not even funny. Each one of us should have a list of things to accomplish not only in the next year, but also in the next 5 year time frame. These could be things like make X amount of money, pay off debt, volunteer, buy a home, earn a degree, start a business. Items that you may not be able to realistically accomplish in one year, but are actively working on. Also remember to be flexible, as sometimes your goals change as you grow and your direction shifts. I used to list having a kid and buying a home as important goals, but those things are no longer on my list at this point in my life. That is totally okay! Even further, writing down your bucket list of things to do before you die (places to travel to, learning to play an instrument or speak a language, running a marathon, etc.) is also helpful and even fun. We all have a million things we say we want to do eventually and usually never get around to, but actually putting in on paper and organizing your aspirations makes it official. This way you are far more likely to go after these things and make dreams a reality, no matter how big or how small.

      3. Benchmark yourself. Compare where you were at this time last year with where you are today. In what ways have you changed? Is your life better, worse, or the exact same? Are you happier? Goals are crucial, but it's what's on the inside that counts. We should always be able to say we have grown, evolved, and become better in some way. Complacency is dangerous! Always make sure you are progressing into the best you. A new year is the perfect point in time to assess where you were and where you stand now.

4. Set new goals for the coming year. What are you seeking to accomplish this year? This can be continuations of already existing goals, such as working hard in your career, but also make sure to add some new ones too. Push and challenge yourself. The sky is the limit! However, remember to keep your goals attainable, realistic, measurable, and practical.

5. Set your intentions. This goes even deeper than goals. Goals are what you want to do, while intentions are what you want to be, kind of like goals that are intangible or more internal. What priorities do you want to focus on in the new year? What specific areas are most important? Your health, family, spirituality, finances, hobbies? Or maybe it’s just self-love and confidence? What vibes are you setting for how you want to live your life? Do you want to live more positively, live in the moment, or get rid of toxic people and learn to say no? Do you want to spend more time on gratitude, eat healthier, save more money, or be better about time management? Picking a few areas of focus will really set the tone for the coming year.

6. Dig deeper to ask yourself some tough questions. It’s not like most of us do this often throughout the year, so this time of self-awareness and conscious effort is the perfect opportunity to get heavy. Here are some I use for myself:
o   What am I grateful for?
o   How have I changed for the better?
o   What things do I need to work on?
o   What is holding me back or preventing me from things I have not been able to accomplish?
o   Where do you I see myself in 10 years? 
o   What am I doing to make the world a better place?
o   What are my core values?
o   What do I want people to say about me when I die? (a REALLY heavy one for ya!)
o   Who is important to me?
o   What do I need to let go of?
o   How do I make people feel when they’re around me?
o   What is my ultimate purpose in this lifetime?

7. Create a vision board, or work on your existing one. A godsend for us visual folks. This is done many ways for different people, but for me it involves cutting out words or pictures from magazines that embody my goals and dreams and piecing them together in a large presentation. I place this in my bedroom in a place where I see it every day. Doing this makes these things become more ingrained into your mind so you think about them constantly, which is important since our thoughts are vibrations that attract similar vibrations. Don't underestimate how powerful visualization is. It’s a highly effective tool that will channel your energy to manifest everything you look at on this board every day. My mother taught me this when I was younger but I just recently realized how important this is, and the more I work on mine, the more it helps to brings amazing things I want into my life.

      8. Write in a journal. Making lists is one thing, but sometimes it’s also great to just let yourself write. This is something that no one ever has to see, and something you yourself never have to read again if you don’t want to. So be honest and let it flow freely. You’ll be surprised at how much comes out and how therapeutic it can be. It’s been the greatest tool for healing and self-discovery for me personally. Also, if you're struggling with forgiveness, write the person who wronged you a letter that you'll never give to them. Let it all out. It works miracles and is the key to letting go and moving forward. 

9. Meditate. I know people have different feelings and experiences with meditation, and believe me it’s something I still struggle with and do not make nearly enough time for. But it’s so imperative! Even if you just sit in silence and observe your thoughts, it is truly incredible how transformative and peaceful this can be.

      10. Pray. This is another powerful tool and what better time than during this process? Pray for your goals to manifest and for guidance along the way. Whether you use crystals, oils, or just simply talk to your Creator, ask for blessings, clarity, focus, prosperity, success, love, and anything else you'd like for the new year.

I know all of this is difficult for some people to do, and others may scoff at how cumbersome this can be. But for many of us it’s absolutely necessary to our success and really helps. I personally cannot imagine how anyone can get ahead or live their dreams without putting in the work to strategize, plan, and look within. It has been extremely effective and profound for me in so many ways! Definitely worth the effort and the small investment in time.

A final tip is that this does not have to be limited New Year’s Day. A new year can definitely facilitate transformation like no other time. For me, this is what works best since I like to take advantage of the tremendous energy shift that occurs at this time. However, it could be whenever your heart desires or when the mood strikes. This is all about you and what works best. Also, it’s also just as important to spend time throughout the year to review and reassess everything periodically to make sure you’re on track. A monthly check-in and mid-year review work great for me.

Good luck and Happy New Year to each of you! Hope 2016 is filled with positivity, blessings, good vibes, and everything you want to manifest!


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