Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Warm and fuzzy post of the day

I received this beautiful e-mail from a close friend today, and it touched me so much that I just had to share:

By the way, if I haven't told you yet today I AM SO PROUD!!! You just don't know! I remember the first time I met you. If you would've told me that day that you would put yourself through school and get a gorgeous apt and would get a high security clearance job I'd never have believed it! OMG. You even persevered through every road block when you had to keep moving from one place to another. You didn't let anyone or anything keep you from pushing forward with your goals. Girl I am so amazed by you! You can absolutely do anything at all. There are no limits. You know what else? I'm so happy that we've gotten to know each other these past three years and that I got to watch you climb this ladder. It really does inspire me to keep working towards my own goals even when I'm physically & mentally drained sometimes. I feel empowered just watching you. I hope you are proud of yourself. I really hope you are.

I must say that I am a very fortunate person and I thank God for my blessings every chance I get. I attribute this lifestyle of gratitude as what continues and maximizes my blessings.

By far, one of my greatest blessings is that I am surrounded by such amazingly supportive and caring people. This e-mail is a perfect example. People who truly know me know what kind of struggle I have overcome over the years to accomplish my goals. So it means everything to hear them recognize my progress, and that it can also motivate them. Making my loved ones proud of my achievements and perseverance brings me so much overwhelming joy. I am living proof that hard work pays off and dreams come true, as corny as that sounds. But I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t been surrounded by so much unconditional love and support.

My challenge to anyone reading this is to aim to be more supportive and compassionate to others each day. Sometimes something as simple as telling someone that you see them working hard means everything and can give them inspiration to work harder. Sometimes it could be telling them that they’re a great friend and you admire their courage, or cheering them on when they’ve lost weight or done good in school. Every little compliment or encouraging comment makes a difference and can empower others to do great things. Even if you just brighten someone’s day with a smile, then you have made a difference. So reach out to someone and show them some support today, whether it’s a friend, family member or even a total stranger. You just never know how much of an impact a little kindness may have on them. ♥

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