I grew up surrounded by French language and Mediterranean culture, so my obsession with the city of Paris has naturally been a lifelong ordeal. Ever since I can remember, I've been fantasizing and dreaming about the city of light... the Eiffel Tower, the fashion, the patisseries, and the day I would finally get to experience it all for myself.
Well, it was everything I've ever imagined about it, but yet still somehow managed to totally wow me. The Monday I arrived on a Eurostar train from London was just as I had always pictured it would be: grayish skies, chilly weather, and an air of excitement. Each day I had a full agenda of things to see and do, yet I couldn't help but just slowly strolling each street, wandering around in awe and fantasizing about the centuries of famous history that took place in this magical place. And when I looked up and saw the Eiffel Tower, I squealed just like a little girl.
I had dreamt of that day and that very moment my whole life. All my hard work in school and within my career was all to be able to travel to places my soul is calling me to... And Paris was always at the very top of my long list. It exceeded every expectation I had built, which says a lot. In fact, it made me incredibly emotional at times to witness such beauty and to be in the midst of such an amazing historic place. I was utterly overwhelmed, a powerful reaction which has only happened to me in one other place among all my travels and it was no way near this extreme. I can now say I know what it feels like to fall head over heels in love with a city. Here is a list of 15 simple things that explain why Paris captured my heart:
1. The way you can't walk for more than 5 mins (and that's pushing it) without encountering something gorgeous and captivating, and worthy of stopping to admire.
2. The uniform style of all buildings with exquisite details is so elegant and enchanting. I love that this city takes pride in its aesthetics, and I'm a huge fan of gothic architecture so my breath was taken away at virtually every corner. There are many beautiful places in the world, but I'm not sure anything will ever compare.
3. The way the city lacks the tackiness found in the states. There's no chain restaurants on every corner. What we know as "mom and pop shops" are the core of the city. Unique boutiques and cafes line every street. It has not lost its old world charm over to corporate greed, and seemingly never will.
4. The fact that a woman can breast feed her baby in the middle of a busy cafe while she sips her coffee and no one even notices. No one is uptight or worried about being politically correct. I guess that's a European thing, but I love it.
5. The skies. Always heard things about "Paris skies" and now I know why. There are no words to describe them. The clouds seem to simply hug the city a certain way.
6. The language. It's just... SO sexy.
7. The way people take their dogs everywhere with them. Don't know why, but this just made me smile every time I saw a woman stopping into a boulangerie with her little posh dog by her side.
8. The public transportation system is very efficient. There are metro stations everywhere and it's very easy to figure out and use, although it is quite dirty and the city has a huge problem with the homeless sleeping on the trains and urinating everywhere... Ugh. It's the ONE bad thing I did find about the city.
9. The food. Crepes, croissants, baguettes, and quiche for breakfast; delicious ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, and savory sauces with dinner entrees. Lots of cheese and bread is right up my alley. Everything I had was totally delicious.
10. The Parisian lifestyle. The way they're never too busy to sit outside at a cafe and talk, even in the cold. The way they walk around eating a baguette yet remain so thin (didn't see hardly any overweight people amazingly). The way they really are just as stuck up as everyone says (I know this is one negative aspect that many people don't like about Paris... However I find it amusing. At least they have good reason to be stuck up. That is what in fact makes them The French. They're just effortlessly, inherently COOL.).
11. The attractiveness of the general public. You constantly see beautiful men and chic women everywhere.
12. The diversity of countless cultures found in this metropolis, yet the way the French spirit remains strongly dominant.
13. The history. The French have always been so relevant throughout world history, and are well known for their spirit of revolution and the great influence they've had on the rest of the world. I loved how much they embrace and cherish their own history. It's apparent from the amazing efforts made to preserve the very old and historic monuments, cathedrals, statues, etc. that are found EVERYWHERE.
14. The element of romance. It really is the city of love. Whenever I caught young lovers holding hands or kissing, it was more genuine and passionate than what I see back home. You can just feel it in the air. It's beautiful!
15. The bohemian flavor that is so much apart of this city and its history lives on. Paris has always been known for its considerable contributions in art, music, fashion, film, literature, and philosophy. I absolutely love that aspect.